Past Events
Please join the Slavic Graduate Colloquium with guest visitor, Dmitry Bykov, Russian writer, poet, literary critic and journalist.
We are very excited to announce the first event of the winter quarter of Comics: More than Words, supported by the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages (DLCL) Ի…
·ڱ·ٲ /ˈkafeːˌklatʃ/ : an informal social gathering [of early modernists] at which [complimentary] coffee is served.
Organized and hosted by the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS).
Alina Nechepurenko is a Russian poet and singer-songwriter, currently seeking political asylum in the United States. In addition to her poetry…
Please join us for the next event hosted by materia, a DLCL Research Unit Focal Group, featuring a conversation between artist and Camila Marambio, curator Ensayos Ի…
Please join the next Slavic Colloquium event. Anne Lounsbery (Professor of Russian and Slavic Studies, NYU) will present at talk titled, "Bulgakov's White Guard: Kyiv and the Void".
Organized and hosted by the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS).
"Pure Comedy: The Racial Politics of Domestic Work in ¡Cómo está el servicio! (Ozores 1968)"