Past Events
Speakers): David Halperin (University of Michigan)
featuring discussants:
Terry Castle (English)
Adrian Daub (German)
Speakers): Mark Braude
"Monte Carlo, Open City: The Making of a Cosmopolitan Company Town"
Speakers): Samuel Gibson
Emma Rothschild, Jeremy and Jane Knowles Professor of History and Director, Center for History and Economics at Harvard, will speak about the project "Visualizing Historical Networks".
Speakers): Alan Kors
"Circulating Epicurean Atheism in 17th-Century France with Approbation and Permission: The Case of Guillaume Lamy."
Speakers): Cécile Tresfels
Please join us for our ongoing workshop on No Country for Old Men.
Speakers): Alejandro Zambra
Speakers): Dr. Mauricio Narváez , Instituto Cervantes in Brussels
Speaker(s): Alice Underwood, Karissa Paddie, Elena Dancu, Gordon Kirby