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Touria Boumehdi

Advanced Lecturer
PhD, University of Toulouse, France, Arabic & Spanish Literature (2010)
MBA, Toulouse Business School France, International Marketing and Trade (1990)
Master, University of Sorbonne Paris, Arabic Civilization and Literature (1987)
M.A, University MohamedV Rabat Morocco, Literature and civilizations of Spain and Latin Americ (1983)
Dr. Touria Boumehdi Tomasi serves on the faculty of the Language Center at èצӰ. She teaches all levels of undergraduate and graduate courses in Modern Standard Arabic and Spanish, including accelerated and intensive offerings. Also, in Spring 2016, she will teach a new course in the Department of Languages Cultures and Literatures (DLCL), “Aljamía language and literature through the study and analyze of aljamiado manuscripts.”
With over 31 years of professional and academic experiences, Dr. Boumehdi has worked as Co-Director of the Spanish Department at the University of Rabat and Professor of Spanish and Arabic in Spain and France at the University of Toulouse le Mirail, the Toulouse School of Business, IAAE Oviedo and ECLAP Valladolid. She completed her Doctorate with a joint Ph.D. and highest honors in Spanish and Arabic at the University of Toulouse, a Master’s degree in Spanish Language and Literature at the University of Mohammed V in Rabat, and an In-Depth Studies Diploma (DEA) including five post-undergraduate years of study in Oriental Languages, Literature, and Civilizations from the University of Paris III in New Sorbonne. Dr. Boumehdi also holds an MBA in International Marketing and Commerce from E S C Toulouse School of Business and hold 6 years experiences as a Export Manager in 3 French technology firms.
Included among her recent book and other publications are several articles and her doctoral dissertation published in Spain in 2012 on the topic of Aljamiado (15th and 16th century Spanish manuscripts written in Arabic) language and literature.
Dr. Boumehdi has been teaching at èצӰ since July 2012 where she is a certified ACTFL OPI and WPT Tester of Arabic.

