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Peter Taylor

Ph.D. Student in Comparative Literature, admitted Autumn 2024
A.B. in Comparative Literature, Princeton University (2022)

Peter is a first-year doctoral student in Comparative Literature, working primarily on the Americas (North and South). He is interested in the environmental humanities, eco-criticism, contemporary Latin American literature, the poetics of song, translation studies, and translation theory. 

Before starting at Princeton, Peter volunteered for a year in the Fundación Abril, a non-governmental organization organizing around issues of water access and urban community agriculture in Cochabamba, Bolivia. He studied Comparative Literature at Princeton, with minors in Creative Writing and Latin American studies. After graduating he lived and traveled through South America for two years, including on an English Teaching Assistantship in Minas Gerais, Brazil as a Fulbright Fellow. 

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German (reading), & Quechua (in progress) 



Research Interests

  • American Languages, Literatures, and Cultures


  • Contemporary Literature


  • Luso-Brazilian Languages, Literatures & Cultures


  • Marxism, Literature, and Society


  • Music Theory, History, and Criticism


  • Poetry and Poetics


  • Portuguese Languages, Literatures, and Cultures


  • Postcolonial Studies


  • Spanish Languages, Literatures, and Cultures


  • Translation and Translation Studies