Hevin Karakurt
Hevin is a second-year PhD student in Comparative Literature at èצӰ. Her research focuses on Kurdish Literature in its multilingual and stateless condition, asking questions about national literatures, world literature, and canon formation. The 'Kurdish Condition' allows for research into the question of what a literature of a collective that shares neither one nation nor any one language might look like. Currently, she is intersted in a Kurdish Poetics of Violence and the forms it takes in various linguistic and literary contexts.
Before coming to èצӰ, Hevin worked as a research assistant in the research project at the University of Basel, Switzerland (PI: Prof. Dr. Nicola Gess). In the context of the project, she worked on different aspects of docufiction in contemporary literature, e.g., studying the role of documentary devices for narratives of violence and (war) trauma in Cemile Sahin's Alle Hunde sterben. She also co-developed a computational dictionary to study online data on the intersection of right-wing populism and conspiracy discourse (). Hevin holds an M.A. in Literary Studies and a B.A. in German and English Studies from the University of Basel, Switzerland. In her master's thesis, she analyzed literary performances of Kurdish identity in contemporary German literature (Taha, Othmann, Ayata).
Hevin has translated the poems of Kurdish authors Sultan Yaray and Meral Şimşek for a symposium entitled "War against Women", which took place as part of the International Poetry Festival 2023 in Basel, Switzerland. Her translations of Meral Şimşek's poems have appeared in the volume Feigenflecken (2023).
- "'Schreiben Sie das auf': Fiktives Dokumentieren und die (Un-)Möglichkeiten des Zeugnisablegens in Cemile Sahins Alle Hunde sterben." Colloquia Germanica vol. 57, no. 3, 2024, pp. 243–271. (peer reviewed).
- “Heimat: Malady Without Remedy. ‘Deheimatizing’ German Literature (Othmann, Taha, Ayata).” Konturen vol. 13 (2024), Special Issue: Neue Heimat(en), pp. 36–68. (peer reviewed)
- “Widerständigkeiten in Form und Inhalt. Lütfiye Güzels Lyrik postmigrantisch gelesen.” Kleine Formen - widerständige Formen? Postmigration intermedial, edited by Jara Schmidt and Jule Thiemann, Königshausen & Neumann, 2023, pp. 51–71.
- with Cornelius Puschmann, Carolin Amlinger, Nicola Gess, Oliver Nachtwey. “RPC-Lex: A Dictionary to Measure German Right-Wing Populist Conspiracy Discourse Online.” Convergence, vol. 28, no. 4, 2022, pp. 1144–71. (peer reviewed)
- “Die Kunst Der Anderen. Interventionen Für Eine Brüchig Gewordene Realität.” Common Ground, edited by Giulia Bernardi and Sabine Rusterholz Petko, 2023, pp. 58–61, .
Office Hours
Research Interests
- Comparative Studies
- Contemporary Literature