Nuevo Texto CrÃtico
Nuevo Texto CrÃtico is an academic publication sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Center of Latin American Studies at èצӰÏñ. Since its foundation in 1988 Nuevo Texto CrÃtico has been recognized as a leading journal in the fields of analysis and criticism of Latin American literature and film. One of its main objectives has always been to bring both to the educated and the general reader the best critical materials at the highest level of research, as a means of understanding how modern culture develops in every Latin American country in national and trans-national ways.
The publishers of Nuevo Texto CrÃtico consider that the vastness and richness of Latin American literature and cinema deserve attention, analysis, and interpretation. The journal is dedicated to study the most important and exciting subjects in the fields of literature and cinema, as an essential contribution to the academic and intellectual development of new ideas, concepts and analytical tools.
Jorge Ruffinelli
Editorial Board / Consejo Editorial
Ana MarÃa Barrenechea, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Rosalba Campra, Universitá di Roma
Jaime Concha, UC San Diego
Adriana J. Bergero, UC Los Angeles
Wilfrido H. Corral, Sacramento State University
Jean Franco, Columbia University
Noé Jitrik, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Pedro Lastra, SUNY at Stony Brook
Jacques Leenhardt, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
Hernán Loyola, Universitá di Sassari
Nelson Osorio T., Universidad de Santiago, Chile
Françoise Perus, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Mary Louise Pratt, NYU
Pablo Rocca, Universidad del Uruguay
Administrator / Administradora
MarÃa "Charo" Robinson
mrobins [at] (mrobins[at]stanford[dot]edu)
(650) 723-4977
Subscriptions / Suscripciones
Libraries and Institutions / Bibliotecas e Instituciones: $ 80.00 / year/año
Individual / Individuos: $ 29.00 / year/año
Correspondence / Correspondencia
Nuevo Texto CrÃtico
Iberian and Latin American Cultures
Piggot Hall Building 260
èצӰÏñ, California 94305

Current Issue
ISSN: 1048-6380
2013/2014 Vol. XXVI-XXVII No. 49-50