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Yann Robert: Acting Noble(s): Rétif, Mercier and the Dawn of a National Theater

Thu May 3rd 2012, 6:00 - 8:00pm

Speakers): Yann Robert

Join the French Culture workshop on May 3, for a discussion of work byYann Robert(Mellon Fellow in French, èצӰ). To get his paper entitled “Acting Nobles: Rétif, Mercier and the Dawn of a National Theater” and to RSVP, contact Biliana Kassabova (bilianak [at] stanford.edu (bilianak[at]stanford[dot]edu))

As customary, we are meeting inPigott Hall, Room 216at 6pm for dinner and drinks, followed by discussion of Professor White’s paper at 6:30. We look forward to seeing you!

(Ph.D. Princeton, French) focuses primarily on the intersection of literature, justice, and politics in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France. His critical edition of Jean-Louis Laya's revolutionary play L'ami des Lois, co-edited with Mark Darlow, was published in 2011 by the Modern Languages Research Association. Next year, Robert will be taking a tenure-track position at the University of Ilinois in Chicago.