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Undergraduate Peer Advisor Office Hours - Comparative Literature and Slavic Languages & Literatures (Week 9)

Tue November 10th 2020, 11:00am - 12:00pm


Come and talk with peer advisors from the Comparative Literature and Slavic Languages & Literatures departments! They are open to discuss course recommendations, funding opportunities, and any DLCL-related questions you may have.

Week 9: Tuesday, November 10 at 11:00am PT with Faith and Angela | 


Comparative Literature:

Angela Black

Angela Black (Fall, Winter)

Pronouns: She/ Her
Major: Comparative Literature
Minor: French
Interests: The intersection of art, literature, and philosophy; Democratic Socialism; Nietzsche; the Existentialists; speaking French; Karl Ove Knausgaard; writing poetry; Mavis my dog; Blondie
Previous/ Current èצӰÏñ Extracurricular Activities: Director of èצӰÏñ Concert Network, EBF resident <3, KZSU 90.1, Untitled: èצӰÏñ's Art History & Film Studies magazine
What I can talk hours about:
1) The greatest major on campus: Comparative Literature
2) Finding funding for your research or cultural experience aspirations
3) Working the system to go overseas on èצӰÏñ's dime as much as you can
4) Grad school applications overseas for the humanities! 
5) Being a FLI student in the DLCL 
6) Leaving ~CS~ to fully commit to living my humanities dream.
A transformative course: Comp Lit 122: Literature as Performance / Comp Lit 222A: Myth and Modernity 
Fun Fact: I most associate with tertiary colors. 


Slavic Languages & Literatures:

Faith Harron

Faith Harron

Pronouns: She/Her
Major: Mechanical Engineering, Slavic Languages & Literatures
Interests: Studying & working abroad, untold stories, writing novels, journalism, STEAM education, building/making things, languages
Previous/ Current èצӰÏñ Extracurricular Activities: Current: Adopt a Science Olympiad Team (co-founded), Society of Women Engineers, Peer Learning Consultant Program, Golden Gate Science Olympiad, REEES-CiS
What I can talk hours about: My travels, creative writing, my majors/concentrations & how to choose them, combining interdisciplinary interests, how to be a more effective student, makerspaces & hands-on STEAM activities
A transformative course: St. Petersburg: Imagining a City, Building a City (Bing Overseas Seminar)
Fun Fact: The Atlas Moth has camouflage to look like a snake to avoid being eaten by birds (it's also massive!)