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South of South: Re-Examining Kongolese Power-Objects (Nkisi)

Fri January 31st 2020, 2:30 - 4:00pm
582 Alvarado Row, Bolívar House, Center for Latin American Studies, main conference room

South of South will continue our intercosmological inquiries by studying Dunja Hersak’s reexamination of Kongolese nkisi, “power objects.” Professor Vincent Barletta (Comparative Literature and Iberian and Latin American Cultures) will kick-off the discussion.
Hersak’s article - “There Are Many Kongo Worlds: Particularities of Magico-Religious Beliefs among the Viliand Yombe of Congo-Brazzaville.”
As always, coffee and snacks will be served.

Contact Name
Nelson Shuchmacher Endebo