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South of South: Palechor's "Story of My Life" (Reading Discussion)

Fri January 17th 2020, 2:30 - 4:00pm
582 Alvarado Row, Bolívar House, Center for Latin American Studies, main conference room

To start the Winter quarter, we will extend our reflection on the topic of our last meeting: the negotiating nature of indigenous /auto/biographical narratives mediated by social scientists, that is to say, “autobiographies” typically written by, or co-written with, someone else. This time we will focus on the relationship between history and affirmations of ethnicity in Myriam Jimeno’s book with/about social leader Juan Gregorio Palechor (1923-1992), born in the Guachicono resguardo and self-identified as Yanakuna. 
Our colleague Cristian Soler (PhD Candidate, Iberian and Latin American Cultures) has kindly offered to provide this session’s kick-off. More information on Jimeno’s book can be found on the .

Contact Name
Nelson Shuchmacher Endebo