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Romance Languages Reading Group

Thu March 6th 2025, 6:30 - 7:30pm
Building 260 Room 216

We are writing to extend a warm invitation to our second Romance Languages Reading Group meeting of the Winter Quarter, taking place this coming Thursday, March 6th, 2025 at 6:30-7:30 in Pigott 216!

This coming week we will offer up a combination of the standard treats and drinks from Trader Joe’s and some spookier fare indeed - two stories treating the theme of the Vampiric! 'Thanatopia' by Rubén Darío will be paired with Théophile Gautier's 'La morte amoureuse'.

 Please reach out for the short stories in both their original French and Spanish, and English translated forms. 

All are welcome. Looking forward to seeing you there! 

Contact Korinne Hensley or Hannah Hudson for the readings and more information.