Robert Morrissey: From Books to Data (and back)
Wallenberg hall
Speakers): Robert Morrissey
Our next event will take place at lunchtime next Friday, May 3. We will welcome Robert Morrissey (University of Chicago, French), the founder and director of the ARTFL project. In his talk, entitled From Books and Data (and Back), he will discuss various innovations that ARTFL has introduced with PhiloLogic, their search engine and text-mining service, as well as new developments with the digital Գ⳦DZé徱.
Please RSVP to Biliana Kassabova (bilianak [at] (bilianak[at]stanford[dot]edu))regarding your attendance. There is no reading for this event.
Exceptionally, this event, co-sponsored by the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis will take place 12-2pm on ***Friday, May 3. Also exceptionally, we will hold it in the “Gold and Honey” room on the 4th floor of Wallenberg hall. In order to access the space, please use the building’s elevator.
We will start with informal lunch 12-12:30pm, followed by the talk and discussion, lasting until 2pm. We look forward to seeing you next week!