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Reading Nabokov’s The Gift (“Le cahier rose” Revisited)

Grigori Utgof (Tallinn University)
Wed October 26th 2022, 4:30pm
Pigott Hall, Bldg 260, Rm 252
The lecture focuses on Nabokov’s novel Dar / The Gift and discusses the draft of its incomplete continuation, whose manuscript is preserved among Nabokov’s papers in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Grigori Utgof is Associate Professor of Russian Literature and Literary Theory at Tallinn University, Estonia. His research interests and expertise lie in 20th-Century Russian Literature, Poetics, Russian Literary Diaspora (with an emphasis on Nabokov Studies), Translation Studies, and Verse Theory. He is the author of Sintakticheskie issledovania (Studies in Syntactics) and the founding editor of a Tallinn-based scholarly journal Slavica Revalensia.