Race and Gender in the Global Hispanophone: Dr. Rebecca Atencio (Associate Professor, Tulane University)

450 Jane èצӰ Way, Building 260, èצӰ, CA 94305
Room 252
Hello everyone,
TheRace and Gender in Global Hispanophone Research Group is delighted to invite you tothetalk “From Tweets to the Streets: Women's Documentary Filmmaking and Brazil's Feminist Spring” which will take place in260-252(German Library), onFriday April 26 at 3:00 pm- 4:30 pm.
ʰǴڱǰRebecca Atencio(Tulane University) will encourage us to reflect on contemporary Brazil's feminist movement, highlighting the emergence of feminist activism in response to legislative and media attacks against women's rights. She will analyze the documentary "Chega de fiu fiu”, arguing that the film goes beyond addressing catcalling, shedding light on broader systems of oppression in urban spaces, particularly affecting marginalized women, and offering pathways for resistance and empowerment.
Please, see the poster attached and reply to this to get a sense of how many people are thinking of attending. Tea and cookies/cupcakes will be provided. Do not hesitate to contact me atsmrey [at] stanford.edu (smrey[at]stanford[dot]edu)if you have any questions. Thank you!
Looking forward to seeing youthere,
Sergio Martínez Rey
On behalf of Prof. Lisa Surwillo and Prof. Jennifer Alpert.