PATH+: Dr. Aron Aji (Literary Translation, University of Iowa)

"Big at Home: Translating Canonical Turkish Authors for the Present-Minded Anglo Market"
Introducing major canonical works from the so-called “minor languages” into the English-reading market necessitates challenging both the curatorial dimension of translation (how titles are pitched and promoted among prospective publishers) as well as translation norms themselves (how the texts are actually translated to resist the domesticating demands of the publishing market). Drawing from his three decades of practice as a literary translator from the Turkish, Aron Aji will discuss how his efforts to introduce major Turkish authors in English has altered his translation philosophy and practice.
Aron Aji directs the Translation Programs at the University of Iowa. Past president of The American Literary Translators Association, Aji has given workshops and talks nationally and internationally, including France, Turkey, Armenia, Ukraine, and Northern Macedonia, on such topics as translation pedagogy, translation and global humanities. A native of Turkey, he has translated works by Turkish writers, including three book-length works by Karasu: Death in Troy; The Garden of Departed Cats, (2004 National Translation Award); and A Long Day’s Evening, (NEA Literature Fellowship, and short-listed for the 2013 PEN Translation Prize). His recent translations include Ferid Edgü’s Wounded Age and Eastern Tales, Murathan Mungan’s Valor (co-translated with David Gramling) (2022 Global Humanities Translation Prize), and Ebru Ojen’s Lojman, co-translated with Selin Gokcesu (2024 Republic of Conscience Prize).
Workshop & Talk Information:
- Thursday, May 16, 2024 @ 10 AM-12 PM in Pigott Hall (Bldg. 260), Rm. 260-216
- Thursday, May 16, 2024 @ 2 PM-4 PM in Pigott Hall (Bldg. 260), Rm. 260-216