Parlez-vous Arguespeak?

The DLCL Humanities Education Focal Group invites you to a talk by Professor Gerald Graff of the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Gerald Graff became widely known in educational circles in the 1980s when he argued, in response to the conflicts were erupting over the humanities canon and other issues, that schools and colleges should "teach the conflicts" themselves and use them to clarify academic concerns for students. This became the theme of books such as *Professing Literature* (1987) and *Beyond the Culture Wars* (1992). More recently he has turned to practical strategies for clarifying and demystifying those concerns, which he develops in *Clueless in Academe* (2003) and *They Say/I Say* (2006), a textbook co-written with his wife Cathy Birkenstein that has just been published in a high school edition. In 2008 Graff served as President of MLA, which honored him with a Distinguished Service award in 2011.