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Noon Lecture: Translator Susan Bernofsky Speaks about RobertWalser

Wed February 10th 2010, 12:00pm

The German Department Colloquium is proud to present a talk by renowned writer, translator and scholar Susan Bernofsky. Bernofsky has translated works by Hermann Hesse, Yoko Tawada and Peter Szondi among others, but it is particularly her translations of Swiss author Robert Walser (1878-1956) that have won her accolades, and a wider American readership for “the single most underrated writer of the 20th century” (LA Times). This year will see the publication of her translation of some of Walser’s most enigmatic writings – the Microscripts, which Walser wrote in pencil on scrap paper while in a mental hospital, in a handwriting sometimes little over a millimeter in height. These writings will be the subject of Susan Bernofsky’s talk. Her lecture will take place on Wednesday, February 10, at 12 noon in Building 260, Room 216. Lunch will be served.