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Medieval Studies Workshop: Blake Gutt

Fri May 6th 2022, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Pigott Hall, Bldg. 260, Rm 252

Speaker(s): Blake Gutt (University of Michigan)

Blake Gutt will lead a seminar on the pre-circulated article: M.W. Bychowski, “The Transgender Turn: Eleanor Rykener Speaks Back,” in Trans Historical: Gender Plurality Before the Modern, edited by Greta LaFleur, Masha Raskolnikov, and Anna Kłosowska (Cornell University Press, 2021), pp. 95-113.

The target audience is medievalist graduate students, but the seminar is open to any interested faculty and student. Lunch will be served to a limited number of people.

Blake Gutt will also give a talk titled, “What Can Medieval Trans Studies Do?” later on the same day from 4:00 - 6:00 pm in Bldg. 260, Rm 252 hosted by the Medieval Studies Workshop.


Blake Gutt is assistant professor and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan. He is the co-editor, with Alicia Spencer-Hall, of (Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2021), and the co-editor, with Zoe Angelis, of (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019). He has authored several articles published with Exemplaria, Medieval Feminist Forum, and postmedieval.

Please direct questions to Johannes Junge Ruhland (jmjr [at] stanford.edu (jmjr[at]stanford[dot]edu)).