The Life of a Text (Nov. 27th)
This one-week seminar offers insight into the creation, production, and reception of literary texts as published books – with particular emphasis on the European approach. Practitioners from Germany and France will explain and illustrate the real-life conditions and parameters of their work, describing the productive arc of books from the first idea to critical analysis.
Four guest speakers will present their own specific approaches to their roles in the creation process:
Dr. Sabine Weigand, novelist (“Die Seelen im Feuer” / “The Souls on Fire”)
Dr. Cordelia Borchardt, publisher (S.Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main)
Blanche Cerquiglini, publisher (Gallimard, Paris)
Jochen Hieber, literary critic (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
There will be three sessions, for three hours each, in Pigott Hall (Main Quad, Building 260):
The Business of Books: Publishing in the 21st Century
Monday, 27th November at 6:00pm in room 260-216
How Author, Editor and Publisher Shape a Text
Wednesday, 29th November at 5:00pm in room 260-252
From Man Booker to Goodreads: The Role of the Criticism, Literary Journalism and the Economy of Prestige
Friday, 1st December at 5:00pm in room 260-252
All presentations will be in English. Refreshments will be provided.
Organized by:
Professor Adrian Daub (German Studies) daub [at] (daub[at]stanford[dot]edu)
Professor Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Comparative Literature) sepp [at] (sepp[at]stanford[dot]edu)
and the DLCL Research Unit