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Kelly Summers: Accidental Outlaws: Directorial Military Justice and the Émigré Shipwreck at Calais, 1795-6

Kelly Summers: Accidental Outlaws: Directorial Military
Justice and the Émigré Shipwreck at Calais, 1795-6
Thu October 11th 2012, 4:00 - 5:30pm
Pigott Hall (Bldg. 260), Room

Speakers): Kelly Summers

The French Culture Workshop is pleased to invite you to our first event for the 2012-2013 academic year. On Thursday, October 11 Kelly Summers (Ph.D. Candidate in History, èצӰÏñ) will present the chapter Accidental Outlaws: Directorial Military Justice and the Émigré Shipwreck at Calais, 1795-6 from her dissertation entitled The Great Return: Reintegrating Émigrés in Republican France, 1794-1804. Wine and cheese will be served.

Contact Biliana Kassabova (bilianak [at] stanford.edu (bilianak[at]stanford[dot]edu)) to RSVP and for a copy of the pre-circulated paper.