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Italian Modernities Lecture Series: "Between Emporion and Imperium: Making Italians and Mediterranean Imaginaries"

Mon April 15th 2019, 4:30pm

Speakers): Prof. Claudio Fogu

Claudio Fogu is Associate professor of Italian Studies at UCSantaBarbara and works on Italian cultural history and memory, with an emphasis on film and visual culture.
He is the author of The Historic Imaginary. Politics of History in Fascist Italy (University of Toronto Press, 2003), and co-editor of The Politics of Memory in Postwar Europe (Duke UP, 2006), Metahistory’s Fortieth Anniversary (Storia e Storiografia, 2015), and Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture (Harvard UP, 2016). He has published articles in The Journal of Contemporary History (1996), Representations (1997), History and Theory (2003 and 2009), Storiografia (2013), and The Journal of Modern European History (2014).
He is the founder and chief editor of the digital open access journal ZapruderWorld: an International Journal for the History of Social Conflict of which he has just co-edited a fourth volume on the theme “Performing Race.”
He is also a member of the Editorial Board and Executive Committee of California Italian Studies of which he co-edited with Lucia Re the inaugural volume in 2010 dedicated to “Italy in The Mediterranean,” and he is currently co-editing a second volume with Laura Ruberto and Stephanie Malia Hom on entitled “Italia senza frontiere.”
His talkis derived from his current manuscript entitled "Making Italians and Mediterranean Imaginaries: The Fishing Net and The Spider Web" (under contract with Palgrave).

For more info, please contact Andrea Capra (dbiffant [at] stanford.edu (acapra[at]stanford[dot]edu)).