Interiorities : Reflecting Subjectivity and Sociality (Apr. 28th)
First Annual Duke-èצӰ Graduate Student Conference
April 27-28, 2018 | Margaret Jacks Hall, Building 460
“Interiorities: Reflecting Subjectivity and Sociality” brings together doctoral students and scholars from both coasts to reflect on how social life conditions the formation, exposure, and expression of selfhood, while paying close attention to the irreducible features of subjective experience. Through a series of panel discussions, lectures, and a reading session, we hope to encourage the dialogue between disciplines across the humanities and interrogate art forms and discursive modes that bring into focus the meeting of subjects and worlds.
Friday, April 27
1:00pm - 2:30pm: Registration
2:30pm - 3:00pm: Welcome and opening remarks
3:00pm - 4:30pm: Opening keynote—Karla Oeler (Film, èצӰ): “Cinema and Soliloquy”
4:30pm - 6:00pm: Light dinner for participants
Saturday, April 28
10:00am - 10:45am: Breakfast
11:00am - 12:45pm: Graduate Panels (two simultaneous)
Panel 1 – Subjects, Objects, Minds – 11:00am
1. Phoebus Cotsapas – ‘Que suis-je?’: Locating the Subject in the Late Work of Rousseau and Diderot
2. Maciej Kurzynski – In Defense of the Subject: The Thought of Gao Ertai
3. James Draney – J. M. Coetzee: Thinking Outside the Computational Model
4. Robert Tate – Ovidian Reflections amid Westworld’s Bicameral Mind
Panel 2 – Sociality, Discomposed – 11:00am
1. Mae Lyons-Penner – Wor(l)ds of Feeling: Pain and Subjectivity in the Old French Prose Lancelot
2. Christian Whitworth – Disfarmer, Dissociated: Photography, Trauma, and Retreat at the Margins of American Myth
3. Jason Beckman – Metafictional Mirrors: Reflecting on ‘You’ in the Second Person Narratives of Italo Calvino and Tawada Yōko
4. Patrick Hughes – The Geography of Racism
12:45pm - 1:00pm Break
1:00pm - 2:00pm: Text-based Workshop (Simone Weil’s The Illiad, or The Poem of the Force)
2:00pm - 2:45pm Lunch
3:00pm - 4:15pm: Graduate Panels (two simultaneous)
Panel 3 – Interiority and the Intelligibility of Action – 3:00pm
1. Kevin Spencer – Disowning Action in Macbeth
2. Devin Buckley – Feeling as Moral Life: Coleridge’s Phenomenology of Affect in Aids to Reflection
3. Christoph Schmitz – Endgames: Interiority and Communication Breakdown in Thomas Bernhard’s The Lime Works
Panel 4 – Saturated Horizons in Narrative and Image – 3:00 pm
1. Graylin Harrison – Luca Giordano: (Auto)Biography and Articulation of Self
2. Jason Vartikar – Thomas Cole's 1833 The Titan's Goblet as Metaphor for the Mind.
3. John Jolly – ‘Learning to See’ the Image (Weltinnenraum): On Lyric Imagination and Phenomenological Interiority in Rilke’s The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
4:15pm - 4:30pm Break
4:30pm - 6:00pm: Closing Keynote—Yi-Ping Ong (Comparative Thought and Literature, Johns Hopkins): "Anna Karenina Reads on the Train: Readerly Subjectivity and the Poetics of the Novel"
6:00pm - 8:00pm: Banquet and Closing Remarks