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Film Screening: Sam Peckinpah's "The Wild Bunch"

Film Screening: Sam Peckinpah's "The Wild Bunch"
Wed February 12th 2014, 7:00pm
Building 260, Room 113

Speaker(s): Samuel Gibson

“We all dream of being a child again, even the worst of us. Perhaps the worst most of all.” Peckinpah’s violent and nostalgic farewell to the Old West has William Holden and Ernest Borgnine lead a band of ageing outlaws as they seek a quiet retirement, fleeing to Mexico following a final bank raid.  Their past follows them down in the form of a group of bounty hunters marshalled by a former member of the bunch.   Times have changed, technology has advanced, their style of life is disappearing but when one of their own is captured the choice of escape or a suicidal rescue mission it becomes apparent that the wild must go down with the Wild West.