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Film Screening: Christian Petzold's "The State I Am In" (2000)

Film Screening: Christian Petzold's "The State I Am In" (2000)
Wed November 5th 2014, 7:00pm
Building 260 (Pigott Hall), Room 113

Speaker(s): André Fischer

Christian Petzold and co-author Harun Farocki tell the story of a couple on the run with their teenage daughter from their past of left-wing terrorism. Their life in the underground, moving from hotel to hotel under false names, puts a high emotional stress on the 15-year-old Jeanne, who just wants to live like a normal teenager. Their false identities are revealed shortly before they realize their plan to start a new life in South America. The film is narrated in a very minimal style, which is typical for the so-called "Berlin School" of filmmaking, and reflects the history of left-wing terrorism in its contemporary state.