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Ewa Domanska: "Manuel de Landa: Structure WithoutStructuralism"

Ewa Domanska
Fri April 23rd 2010, 1:00pm
Pigott Hall, Bldg 260, Rm 252
The talk situates the notable transdisciplinary work of Manuel DeLanda (born 1952 in Mexico City) within so-called “new materialism” and “flat ontology” intellectual currents. In his book A New Philosophy of Society. Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity (2006), DeLanda uses a concept of assemblage (after Deleuze’s agencement) to propose “the realist social ontology” which is about “objective process of assembly: a wide range of social entities, from persons to nation-states that are treated as assemblages constructed through very specific historical processes, processes in which language plays an important but not a constitutive role.”
Light refreshments will be served.