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El teatro de Miguel Mihura

Tue December 4th 2012, 5:15 - 6:30pm
Bldg. 260, Rm

Speaker(s): Patrizio Rigobon

La obra teatral de Miquel Mihura no es muy amplia (unas 25 obras) y es muy desigual por lo que a la calidad se refiere. Autor de gran éxito en su momento (por lo menos hasta los comienzos de la década de los Sesenta), Miguel Mihura ha sido considerado por muchos críticos el iniciador del teatro de lo absurdo en tierras ibéricas. Desde "Tres sombreros de copa" hasta "Ninette modas de Paris" trataremos de matizar un poco el concepto mihuriano de lo "absurdo", no prescindiendo de las necesarias alusiones  a la naturaleza hasta incluso política de su teatro.

Patrizio Rigobon is Professor of Catalan Language and Literature at the University of Venice. He has mainly dedicated himself to the study of contemporary Catalan and Spanish Literatures with a specific interest in translation. He has translated into Italian several Catalan and Spanish contemporary writers such as Perucho, Espriu, Roig, Sánchez Piñol, Puntí, Baulenas, De Palol, Albert, Punset, De Pedrolo, Baixauli and Mihura.
Professor Rigobon is a member of the editorial board of two scholarly reviews on Iberian topics published in Italy: "Spagna Contemporanea" (Turin) and "Rassegna Iberistica" (Venice and Rome) and has also contributed to the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. He is now editor of the Rivista Italiana di Studi Catalani which he founded in 2010 along with the other members of the board of the Associazione Italiana di Studi Catalani (AISC), an Italian society devoted to the study of the Catalan culture. In 2009 he was awarded the Pompeu Fabra Prize of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the advancement and spreading of the Catalan language abroad. In 2011 he was awarded the “Josep M. Batista i Roca Prize” for promoting Catalan culture in Italy. While he was in charge of the chair of the AISC, the society was awarded the Ramon Llull International Prize (2011) for its distinguished engagement for catalan culture. He is the author of nearly 100 publications (papers, articles, essays etc.).