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DLCL Symposium Fall 2022: Research Unit Open House

DLCL Symposium Fall 2022: Research Unit Open House
DLCL Research Unit group members
Fri October 21st 2022, 2:00pm
Pigott Hall, Bldg 260, Rm 312 (Grad Lounge)

Please join the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages for the first DLCL Symposium where members from ten of the DLCL Research Unit groups will present and discuss: "In what ways do language and literature matter?"

We'll hear from the following DLCL Research Unit group members:

Poetics (Marisa Galvez)
Philosophy and Literature (Myungin Sohn)

Ruins of Modernity (Laura Menéndez)

The Contemporary (Amir Eshel)

Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew+ (Anna Galietti and Alexander Key)

Cultural Heritage at War (Quinn Dombrowski and Yuliya Ilchuk)
Medieval Studies Workshop (Marisa Galvez)

Generaciones and New Flamencologías (Tania Flores)

Comics: More than Words (Cristian Soler)

Materia (Ximena Briceño)


Post-event summary:
