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A Bilingual Fiction reading with Andrea Jeftanovic

A Bilingual Fiction reading with Andrea Jeftanovic
Wed February 8th 2017, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Pigott Hall (Bldg 260), Room 216

Speaker(s): Andrea Jeftanovic

Andrea Jeftanovic (Santiago, Chile, 1970) is a writer and essayist as well as the author of two novels (Escenario de guerra and Geografía de la lengua) and two collections of short stories (No aceptes caramelos de extraños and Destinos errantes). She is author of a book of testimonies and interviews (Conversaciones con Isidora Aguirre) and of the critical work Hablan los hijos. Her stories have been included in numerous national and international collections and have been translated widely. Jeftanovic is a theater critic for El Mercurio newspaper and holds a Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages and Literatures from UC Berkeley. She currently works as a professor of literature at Universidad de Santiago de Chile.