Past Events
Speakers): Janet Beizer
This roundtable will bring together like-minded artists and activists from Ukraine and Russia to reflect on the role of art in organizing political resistance during and after the 2013-2014…
Winner of the Golden Bear at the 2016 Berlin International Film Festival, Rosi's impressionistic glimpse at the ongoing European migrant crisis centres on Lampedusa, a remote…
Christian Kiening is Professor of medieval and early modern German literature at the University of Zurich.
Speakers): Chenxi Tang
Speakers): Dr. Thomas Sparr, Amir Eshel
A conversation between Dr. Thomas Sparr, editor-at-large, Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin
Inspired by the life of his uncle, Kazan's epic picture tells the story of the Cappadocian Greek Stavros and his travels from the hinterland of Ottoman Turkey to Constantinople and beyond to the…
Christian Kiening is Professor of medieval and early modern German literature at the University of Zurich.
Klapisch's movie follows the life of Xavier, a 24 year-old Parisienne graduate student, during the year that he psends living and studying abroad in Barcelona, as part of the Erasmus European…